How to use Angular.JS inside Flask? (Easy) Part-1
Hello Everyone that loving code,
I am going to share how to use AngularJS inside Flask. a lot of people says “There is an Angular 2 and after. it’s not necessary Angular.JS” but unfortunately it is not correct. Angular.JS and Angular 2 and after both are different. also, have different usage area. Sometimes We have to use Angular.JS and Flask etc. for VFX Pipeline and AngularJS resolving resolves much better than Angular 2 and more for some project.
As you know, They use the same tokens;
{{ something }}
We want to use both of them but when we run the project ( Ups! the codes will conflict. So we have several resolving for that.
Actually. We have two option for using Angular.JS in Flask. Flask has a token called raw/endraw token or We can change tokens to another token.
Let’s jump in.
>Solution in Flask
{{Flask Tokens}}{% raw %} {{ANGULARJS_TOKEN}} <!— angularJS codes → {{words}}{% endraw %}{{Flask Tokens}}
>Solution in AngularJS
var app = angular.module('yourAPP', [])app.config(function($interpolateProvider)
$interpolateProvider.startSymbol('{@'); //Start Token (up to you)
$interpolateProvider.endSymbol('@}'); //End Token (up to you)
{{Flask Tokens}}{@ ANGULARJS_TOKEN @} <!— angularJS token →{@ words @} <!-- angularJS token{{Flask Tokens}}
Example Usage in Project:
{% for word in words["failed"]|reverse %} <a href="#" data-toggle="modal" ng-click="getModal({{}})" data-target="#exampleModalCenter" > <div class="alert alert-danger failed_{{}}" >
{{}} : {{word.english}}/{{word.turkish}} <span class="badge badge-danger text-wrap float-right status">render: {{word.status}}</span>
</a>{% endfor %}...
...<h5 class="modal-title" id="exampleModalLongTitle"><b>
{@ word_details.english @} / {@ word_details.turkish @} </b></h5>
if you didn’t like the two solutions. please go ahead to the next lesson
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